Entries by Utenza Editor

The importance of observational studies

Our study, Observational Studies: Specific Considerations for the Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Physician, was recently published in the American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.  Experimental and non-experimental designs are used to investigate the effect or association of an intervention and clinical or surrogate outcome. These methods aim to improve knowledge and develop new strategies to manage a […]

Long-term follow-up of untreated Scheuermann’s kyphosis

Every year, the Italian Scoliosis Study Group selects the best published papers on conservative spine treatment from the global scientific literature.Here is the abstract from one of these papers.  Long-term follow-up of untreated Scheuermann’s kyphosis Enrique Garrido, Simon B Roberts, Andrew Duckworth, Joseph Fournier Spine Deform. 2021 Nov;9(6):1633-1639. doi: 10.1007/s43390-021-00354-y Abstract Study design: Long-term cross-sectional study. Objectives: To investigate the long-term effects of untreated […]

A predictive model of scoliosis: the research will be published in 2022

During these months, Isico carried out the study funded by the SRS (Research Society on Scoliosis), aimed at identifying a predictive model on the evolution of scoliotic curves in untreated patients, in collaboration with the University of Alberta, in Canada. Collected the data, presented preliminarily in March by Prof. Stefano Negrini, scientific director of Isico, […]

The Risser sign, growth and scoliosis: let’s clear a few things up

When patients come for medical consultations or physiotherapy sessions, numerous measurements get taken and recorded, often without less expert eyes even noticing. On the other hand, other measurements are quickly seized upon, both by parents and youngsters. Take height, for example. The sliding piece barely has time to touch the patient’s head before the patient, […]

Isico science corner video column

At Isico we give great importance to research, an integral part of our clinical work.  Our newsletters always dedicate a space to the presentation and a comment when a new Isico study is published. From this issue on, we will go one step further, enriching each presentation with the video commentary of the first author of the research paper. […]

Correlation of Paraspinal Muscle Mass With Decompensation of Sagittal Adult Spinal Deformity After Setting of Fatigue Post 10-Minute Walk

Every year, the Italian Scoliosis Study Group selects the best published papers on conservative spine treatment from the global scientific literature.Here is the abstract from one of these papers.  Correlation of Paraspinal Muscle Mass With Decompensation of Sagittal Adult Spinal Deformity After Setting of Fatigue Post 10-Minute Walk Junseok Bae, Ashwin Sathe, Shih-Min Lee, Alexander A Theologis, Vedat Deviren, Sang-Ho LeeNeurospine, PMID: 3461068 PMCID: PMC8497245, DOI: 10.14245/ns.2142510.255 Abstract […]

A closer look at the data

The study just published, A Pragmatic Benchmarking Study of an Evidence-Based Personalised Approach in 1938 Adolescents with High-Risk Idiopathic Scoliosis, focused on 1938 participants with AIS, Cobb angles of 11–45°, and Risser stage 0–2, who were studied until the end of growth.  Using the inclusion criteria reported in existing RCTs on physiotherapeutic scoliosis-specific exercises (PSSE), […]

ISICO evidence-based treatment decided in agreement with patient and family: the best solution

How effective is a personalised scoliosis treatment, which means a treatment supported by clinical experience combined with available scientific evidence on risk factors; based on the specific therapeutic objective; and adapted to the patient’s particular needs to encourage compliance? In other words, how effective is the treatment approach adopted by Isico compared with a simplified […]

Adults: can hyperkyphosis be improved?

With the passing years, many adults start to realise, when they look at themselves in the mirror, that they are getting increasingly stooped. Some people are unwilling to accept this situation and start wondering whether they can do anything to arrest this process. The question is, can this condition be improved or is it pointless […]