Is scoliosis harmed by high-impact sports?

Periodically, ISICO launches the “Concorsetto“, an initiative in the form of a competition, where patients share their experience with wearing a brace, demonstrating that they can do almost anything: horse riding, dancing, rhythmic gymnastics, skating, and much more. This proves that sports and scoliosis are not incompatible. But what about high-impact sports? Can they make […]

Teleprevention: a video

If we analyse it, movement, in general, is part of different…

Bracing works better in Italy

Bracing treatment reduces the risk of needing surgery, but the…

Telemedicine in response to Covid-19 emergency: the first results

“I have appreciated being able to have continuity of treatment…

Telemedicine: the video explaining

Prof. Stefano Negrini, medical director of Isico explains…

Isico launches a free psychological support service

Recent weeks have seen Italy, and the world, plunged into an…

Predicting scoliosis progression: published an Isico review

The scientific knowledge and the clinical competence of Isico…