Margherita, sport, and scoliosis: a possible pairing

What distinguishes ISICO in the treatment of scoliosis is a therapeutic approach that allows you to combine treatment with exercises and corsets with sporting passions, even high-level competitive ones. As happened to Margherita, 14 years old, from the Marche region in Italy and an aerobic gymnastics champion. We asked our young patient to share her […]

Same language, same treatment

/ the Isico blog that gives patients a voice! Over…

Adult scoliosis: bracing to reduce back pain

In adult scoliosis patients with back pain, brace…

Plumb line values and radiographic measurement

An Isico study entitled “Clinical Evaluation of Spinal Coronal…

Surgical Scoliosis: when to operate

In the presence of a curve measuring more than 50 Cobb…

Sforzesco brace in a new video!

The Sforzesco brace has two particular boasts: it…

World Master: Rosemary Marchese’s stay with Isico

Isico offers those taking its ONLINE MASTER COURSE "Principles…

SEAS: what do participants say?

What do participants expect from a SEAS course? And, afterwards,…

Prof. Negrini at ACRM in Chicago

Prof. Stefano Negrini, scientific director of Isico as well…