Entries by Utenza Editor

Scoliosis? It can be treated in adulthood, too

The young scoliosis patients who come to us for conservative treatment often have parents (one or both) affected by scoliosis. Some of these parents received exercise-based and/or bracing treatment in adolescence; some never got any treatment at all, while others even discovered the condition late on, after reaching adulthood. Often, they are completely convinced that […]

eSosort2021: ISICO awarded for the third time in a row

And the winner is: Isico! For the third consecutive year, our Institute has been awarded the highest international recognition for those involved in the rehabilitation treatment of vertebral pathologies. On Saturday, May 1st, on the occasion of the annual SOSORT conference, this year in online mode due to the pandemic, our studio “Efficacy of bracing […]

Online congress in Brazil for the month of scoliosis

On behalf of the “Green June 2021 – Organisation Committee” from the Brazilian Scoliosis Treatment Society (Sociedade Brasileira de Tratamento da Escoliose – SBTE), the 1st online Brazilian Scoliosis Congress will take place in June from 25th to 27th.“This initiative is unprecedented in Brazil and tries to provide quality information – comments Isis Navarro, physiotherapist […]

Index radiographic measurements in the prediction of progression in infantile idiopathic scoliosis: a comparative analysis and description of a novel predictive model

Every year, the Italian Scoliosis Study Group selects the best published papers on conservative spine treatment from the global scientific literature.Here is the abstract from one of these papers.  Index radiographic measurements in the prediction of progression in infantile idiopathic scoliosis: a comparative analysis and description of a novel predictive modelAdam P Lloyd , Morgan E B Jones , Adrian Gardner , Matthew P […]

Dress green with us in June!

As every year, Isico dresses in green throughout June with a particular initiative. During the four weeks of the month, we will launch mini videos with the “Best” of each edition of the Concorsetto, the Isico competition dedicated to those who wear the corset to offer a series of testimonials from those who live with […]

Bracing adults with scoliosis: a new published study

The research paper “Bracing adults with chronic low back pain secondary to severe scoliosis: six months results of a prospective pilot study”, has just been published by the European Spine Journal. It is one of the few articles published in the literature on the use of braces for adults affected by scoliosis. Although scoliosis has been […]

eSosort2021: Isico competes for the AWARD

Isico, too will be present with several presentations at the annual international conference Sosort, online from April 29th to May 1st. A presence, albeit virtual, characterized by the possibility of competing again for the SOSORT Award. We recall that Isico has been awarded already in the last two years the prestigious international recognition given by […]

Prospective investigation of Oswestry Disability Index and short form 36 subscale scores related to sagittal and coronal parameters in patients with degenerative lumbar scoliosis

Every year, the Italian Scoliosis Study Group selects the best published papers on conservative spine treatment from the global scientific literature.Here is the abstract from one of these papers.  Prospective investigation of Oswestry Disability Index and short form 36 subscale scores related to sagittal and coronal parameters in patients with degenerative lumbar scoliosisChang-Hoon Jeon, Nam-Su Chung, Hee-Woong Chung, […]

Scoliosis: why appearance matters

To treat scoliosis solely on the basis of radiological images, assessing only the patient’s skeletal conditions, would be a huge mistake. The evolution of scoliosis typically leads to spinal changes in the three planes of space, and it therefore causes a modification of the ribcage. Indeed, as scoliosis progresses, it also changes the appearance of […]