What can parents do to help manage brace-wearing youngsters’ anger and outbursts?
Fighting scoliosis is a team effort. It is also a long, difficult…
Scoliosis: dance and swimming. Yes or no?
Is there any particular sport, rather than others, that individuals…
Back pain and scoliosis
What causes back pain? Well, having a back and two legs to begin…
SOSORT 2020: all Isico’s abstracts “pass the test”
Isico will once again be in the front line at the International…
Dr Donzelli at Oxford University
Dr Sabrina Donzelli, an Isico physician, participated some…
Isis Navarro at Isico headquarter
Could you tell us about your studies?
I am a PhD Student…
Michele Romano, professor for a day at the University of Québec
A few weeks ago, Michele Romano, Director of physical therapy…
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Is scoliosis harmed by high-impact sports?
/0 Comments/in News, Scoliosis in depth /by Utenza EditorPeriodically, ISICO launches the “Concorsetto“, an initiative in the form of a competition, where patients share their experience with wearing a brace, demonstrating that they can do almost anything: horse riding, dancing, rhythmic gymnastics, skating, and much more. This proves that sports and scoliosis are not incompatible. But what about high-impact sports? Can they make […]