Entries by Utenza Editor

Isico launches a free psychological support service

Recent weeks have seen Italy, and the world, plunged into an emergency that is quite naturally leaving people feeling fearful and anxious. Fear is a normal and useful reaction, because it helps us to prevent, and therefore avoid, danger. Sometimes, however, these emotions become overwhelming and prevent us from seeing things in the right perspective: […]

Adolescents with and without idiopathic scoliosis have similar self-reported level of physical activity: a cross-sectional study

Diarbakerli E, Grauers A, Moller H, Abbott A, Gerdhem P Scoliosis Spinal Disord. 2016 Jul 28;11:17. doi: 10.1186/s13013-016-0082-y. eCollection 2016 BACKGROUND: Little is known about physical activity levels in individuals with idiopathic scoliosis. The aim of this study was to describe the level of physical activity in adolescents with and without idiopathic scoliosis. METHODS: Two hundred […]

Predicting scoliosis progression: published an Isico review

The scientific knowledge and the clinical competence of Isico experts recognized by Lancet’s EClinical Medicin Journal One of the major challenges faced by clinicians is related to Idiopathic Scoliosis prognosis and to decision-making concerning which would be the best treatment for every single patient.  Precisely on this topic, it has just been published by Isico […]

Rehabilitation: the comment of prof. Negrini on Lancet

When discussing health care in disability, it is essential to talk about rehabilitation. Yet it is not always obvious. Precisely for this prof. Stefano Negrini, as director of the Group of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (Cochrane Rehabilitation), developed the comment “Prioritising people with disabilities implies furthering rehabilitation” to the editorial “Prioritising disability in universal health […]

Scoliosis: dance and swimming. Yes or no?

Is there any particular sport, rather than others, that individuals with scoliosis should choose?  Two Isico studies have addressed this question, and in so doing they have dispelled the misconception that dance and swimming have a negative impact on scoliosis curves. The studies in question will be presented in Melbourne, Australia, at the next SOSORT […]

Back pain and scoliosis

What causes back pain? Well, having a back and two legs to begin with! That’s right! As humans, we have one particular body part that is always going to be more exposed than the others to the risk of discomfort and overloading. And that body part is the spine. You have probably sometimes wondered why […]

SOSORT 2020: all Isico’s abstracts “pass the test”

Isico will once again be in the front line at the International SOSORT meeting, this year being held from 27th to 29th April in Melbourne, Australia, during Spine Week (27th April to 1st May, 2020). “All the abstracts we presented have been accepted” reports Dr Sabrina Donzelli, Isico physiatrist and author of the research paper that […]

Dr Donzelli at Oxford University

Dr Sabrina Donzelli, an Isico physician, participated some weeks ago in a joint programme in collaboration with the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine in Oxford, together with other 15 students coming from Egypt, Brasil, Ireland, UK, USA, Ghana, Canada, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Lebano and Italia. The topic of this demanding course was basic and advanced statistical methods for meta-analysis for health […]