The spine lengthens while walking: our new study confirms a unique physiological phenomenon

A recent study conducted by the Polytechnic University of Milan in collaboration with our researchers and published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine under the title “The Spine Lengthens During Walking in Healthy Participants, with Age-Related Changes in Kinematic Parameters” has confirmed a previously observed phenomenon: the spine lengthens during walking compared to static standing posture. The study […]

Plumb line values and radiographic measurement

An Isico study entitled “Clinical Evaluation of Spinal Coronal…

Surgical Scoliosis: when to operate

In the presence of a curve measuring more than 50 Cobb…

Sforzesco brace in a new video!

The Sforzesco brace has two particular boasts: it…

World Master: Rosemary Marchese’s stay with Isico

Isico offers those taking its ONLINE MASTER COURSE "Principles…

SEAS: what do participants say?

What do participants expect from a SEAS course? And, afterwards,…

Prof. Negrini at ACRM in Chicago

Prof. Stefano Negrini, scientific director of Isico as well…

Scoliosis: SEAS exercises work

The Scientific Exercises Approach to Scoliosis (SEAS) is a method…

SRS funds an Isico study

During the Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) congress, held in…