Eurospine 2018: ISICO will present two studies
At the International Eurospine Congress in Barcelona, 19 to 21 September, Dr. Fabio Zaina will present a poster titled Adolescent idiopathic bracing success rates influenced by time in brace: Comparative effectiveness analysis of the BrAIST and ISICO cohorts, while Dr. Francesca Di Felice will deliver an oral presentation about the study, ISYQOL discriminates adolescents with spinal deformities subgroups better than the SRS-22 questionnaire.
‘The first presentation confirms the effectiveness of the brace treatment for patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis at high risk of progression, the efficacy being highly linked to the brace-wearing dosages,’ explains Dr. Di Felice. ‘The final results obtained with the protocols of the ISICO treatment are excellent, also with respect to the data of the BrAIST, the American RCT study which had and has a huge weight in demonstrating the efficacy of the conservative treatment of scoliosis.’
The other study emphasizes how a questionnaire developed in ISICO, the ISYQOL (Italian Spine Youth Quality of Life questionnaire) has proved to be the best quality of life measurement tool for patients with vertebral deformities treated with conservative therapy, compared to the SRS-22, which is currently the gold standard of the quality of life questionnaires for scoliotic subjects.