Entries by Paolo Castellaneta

I have surgical scoliosis: should I have surgery or not?

In the presence of a curve measuring more than 50 Cobb degrees, scoliosis is termed surgical; this is because there is a very high chance that it will worsen even in adulthood, causing pain, disability and reduced quality of life. What should be done when surgical scoliosis occurs in infantile (0–3 years) or juvenile (3–12 […]

Plumb line values and radiographic measurement

An Isico study entitled “Clinical Evaluation of Spinal Coronal and Sagittal Balance in 584 Healthy Individuals: Normal Plumb Line Values and their Correlation with Radiographic Measurements” has just been published in the journal Physical Therapy. The aim of the research was to assess plumb line distances (PDs) in a large, healthy population in an age range representative of the […]

Surgical Scoliosis: when to operate

In the presence of a curve measuring more than 50 Cobb degrees, scoliosis is termed “surgical”. Unfortunately, the likelihood of surgical scoliosis worsening, even in adults, and giving rise to pain, disability and reduced quality of life, is very high. What to do when scoliosis occurs in young children (0-3 years) and in cases of juvenile scoliosis […]

Sforzesco brace in a new video!

The Sforzesco brace has two particular boasts: it is “made in Italy” and it is also tailor made. It now features in a new video, created on the basis of a brief extract from a lesson given by Prof. Stefano Negrini during the 2018 World Master Course. But this video isn’t only about the brace and its characteristics; above all, it […]

World Master: Rosemary Marchese’s stay with Isico

Isico offers those taking its ONLINE MASTER COURSE “Principles and Practice of Scoliosis Conservative Treatment“, which it has now been running for three years, the chance to see clinical practice in operation at our institute’s Milan headquarters.Registrations are still open and participants registering by 15 December will benefit from a reduced rate. Rosemary Marchese, one of the 2019 course participants, decided to […]

SEAS: what do participants say?

What do participants expect from a SEAS course? And, afterwards, how do they rate the experience? After each course, we like to gather feedback from participants. Their opinions are very valuable, as they allow us to improve our organisation of these courses, and ensure that they are useful and relevant to the clinical practice of […]

Prof. Negrini at ACRM in Chicago

Prof. Stefano Negrini, scientific director of Isico as well as director of the Cochrane Rehabilitation Field, will be leading a symposium entitled “Cochrane Rehabilitation, the new international body to spread and strengthen evidence in rehabilitation medicine” and the workshop Evidence Based Multidisciplinary Approach to Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis at the 96th Annual American Congress of Rehabilitation […]

Scoliosis: SEAS exercises work

The Scientific Exercises Approach to Scoliosis (SEAS) is a method that, by reducing the risk of scoliosis worsening, also reduces the likelihood of a patient eventually needing a brace. What is more, SEAS exercises of the kind developed by Isico (Italian Scientific Spine Institute) give better results than other exercise plans.Take the case of Giorgia, […]

SEAS (Scientific Exercises Approach to Scoliosis) training: participants’ feedback

Going round the world providing training on our exercise-based approach to scoliosis has become an increasingly important part of what we do. Indeed, in addition to clinical work and research, our activities include the provision of practical training. We get great pleasure and satisfaction from the positive feedback we receive via the evaluation forms filled in […]