Scoliosis in depth

Is scoliosis harmed by high-impact sports?

Periodically, ISICO launches the “Concorsetto“, an initiative in the form of a competition, where patients share their experience with wearing a brace, demonstrating that they can do almost anything: horse riding, dancing, rhythmic gymnastics, skating, and much more. This proves that sports and scoliosis are not incompatible. But what about high-impact sports? Can they make […]

SEAS: How it trains active self-correction

Physical exercises, whether in a sporting or rehabilitative…

Is Life Turning You Kyphotic? Here's How to Prevent It

The spine supports the torso and allows the head to stay upright,…

Full-time treatment: no stress!

We talk of “full-time treatment” whenever a brace needs…

Can leg length discrepancy cause or worsen scoliosis?

Leg length discrepancy (LLD) is a common orthopaedic condition…

Why the therapeutic team is part of the treatment

Scoliosis treatment, whether we are talking about exercises…

Scoliosis and back pain: physical activity is the best prevention

In the world’s richest countries, low back pain is so common…