Is scoliosis harmed by high-impact sports?

Periodically, ISICO launches the “Concorsetto“, an initiative in the form of a competition, where patients share their experience with wearing a brace, demonstrating that they can do almost anything: horse riding, dancing, rhythmic gymnastics, skating, and much more. This proves that sports and scoliosis are not incompatible. But what about high-impact sports? Can they make […]

Scoliosis and pregnancy: it’s possible!

The Isico blog is a dedicated space where…

A Christmas Carol from Isico

Our very best wishes for Christmas and 2020: a whole new year…


Marta Pagnini is a former Italian gymnast, captain of the Italian…

Can scoliosis be treated with exercises?

The answer is yes, and they are indeed fundamental, but sometimes…

What happens when scoliosis is left untreated?

Our paper entitled “The natural history of idiopathic scoliosis…

When the brace turns you strong

Cecilia is 18, and she has been wearing a brace for the past…

Scoliosis in the elderly: why exercises are important

When talking about scoliosis, one often immediately thinks…

Spine Week 2020

Registration is now open for Spine Week 2020 which will…