ISSLS Milan: a success with 500 participants

“It was a bit as if the world, that of research and clinics in the field of spinal pathologies, had gathered in Milan — this is the comment of Dr. Greta Jurenaite, physiatrist specialist at ISICO — on her first participation in the ISSLS international conference, held between the end of May and the beginning […]

Brace competition 2020: winners awarded

An online live show full of emotion was held on Saturday…

Telephysiotherapy in Isico: the published research

In this pandemic year a lot has changed in our daily habits,…

Natural History of Scoliosis: the development of a predictive model

There are two abstracts on the natural history of scoliosis…

Medicine: an entirely human reality

As an old saying goes, “the tragedy of science is all the…

My brace: my friend ….my enemy!

Aurora, 15 years old, shares with us her experience with the…

World Master open now!

January saw the kick-off for the sixth edition of the World…

WHO rehabilitation task force: Isico is also there

Some of Isico's are part of an international project promoted…