World Master: Rosemary Marchese’s stay with Isico

World Master: Rosemary Marchese’s stay with Isico

Isico offers those taking its ONLINE MASTER COURSE “Principles and Practice of Scoliosis Conservative Treatment“, which it has now been running for three years, the chance to see clinical practice in operation at our institute’s Milan headquarters.
Registrations are still open and participants registering by 15 December will benefit from a reduced rate.

Rosemary Marchese, one of the 2019 course participants, decided to take advantage of this opportunity and flew over from Australia specially. While she was here, we decided to ask her about her experience as one of our “students”. Thank you for the chat, Rosemary!

Could you tell us about your studies?

This course has been an amazing opportunity to learn from world experts in scoliosis! What a great opportunity to have access to some of the finest educators in this field. The course is well organised with comprehensive modules on topics useful for my work. The modules ran over two weeks, which allowed time for listening to lectures, reading of literature and involvement in discussions with other course participants from around the world. I thought each module finishing with a live lecture was just a perfect way to consolidate learning in a collaborative fashion.

What is your profession?

I am a physiotherapist, specialising in scoliosis management. 

Why you did register for the World Master course?

I wanted to learn from world leaders and consolidate and update my education following my SEAS and Schroth training.
What makes the World Master different from other educational courses and masters programmes? 

It is ALL applicable to my day-to-day work: every single module, lecture, all the content, and every discussion has been relevant. I really enjoyed and valued the ability to manage my own time in the two-week modules, but that there was also an end point to each module to keep the momentum going.
Are you satisfied with what you have learned?

Yes! I have found it to be a great learning opportunity!
If you were asked to recommend the course, what would you say?

I would highly recommend this course to medical professionals and allied health professionals wanting to further extend their fundamental knowledge in scoliosis management. If you are looking for course 100% dedicated to scoliosis, and designed and delivered in a modern format, then I highly recommend this course.

SEAS: what do participants say?

SEAS: what do participants say?

What do participants expect from a SEAS course? And, afterwards, how do they rate the experience? After each course, we like to gather feedback from participants. Their opinions are very valuable, as they allow us to improve our organisation of these courses, and ensure that they are useful and relevant to the clinical practice of those taking part. Here are some of the comments we received after the courses recently held in Bulgaria (September) and in the Russian cities of Moscow and Novosibirsk (just a few days ago). In November SEAS will arrive for the first time at Istanbul.

“The SEAS course showed me an interesting new way to treat patients affected by scoliosis in a simple and effective manner. I was impressed by the adaptability of this approach. The teacher was very helpful in answering all our questions and dispelling our doubts”. Diana.

“I’m sure what I learned during this course will be useful for me and I will apply it in my daily rehabilitation practice”. Vesela.

“My overall impression of this course was very positive and my participation was worthwhile”. Andrey.

Prof. Negrini at ACRM in Chicago

Prof. Negrini at ACRM in Chicago

Prof. Stefano Negrini, scientific director of Isico as well as director of the Cochrane Rehabilitation Field, will be leading a symposium entitled “Cochrane Rehabilitation, the new international body to spread and strengthen evidence in rehabilitation medicine” and the workshop Evidence Based Multidisciplinary Approach to Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis at the 96th Annual American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine in Chicago, running from 5th  to 8th November.

The American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) is an association that was created to improve the lives of individuals with disabling conditions by supporting research that promotes health, independence, productivity, and quality of life, and by meeting the needs of rehabilitation clinicians and people with disabilities. Given that this event is the world’s largest rehabilitation conference, Prof. Negrini’s participation is an important milestone for Isico, and may be seen as recognition of the significant role that he himself plays within the Cochrane network. As far as the workshop presenters of this introductory course will include 4 professions (MD, PT, CPO, PhD/PA-C), and 3 SOSORT past presidents, one of them is prof. Negrini. Topics: what AIS is, evaluation, current evidence, bracing and exercises schools, clinical cases: medical, physiotherapeutic and orthotic approach, Q&A.
For more information and to register, visit:

Scoliosis: SEAS exercises work

Scoliosis: SEAS exercises work

The Scientific Exercises Approach to Scoliosis (SEAS) is a method that, by reducing the risk of scoliosis worsening, also reduces the likelihood of a patient eventually needing a brace. What is more, SEAS exercises of the kind developed by Isico (Italian Scientific Spine Institute) give better results than other exercise plans.
Take the case of Giorgia, a 15-year-old girl with a 15° scoliotic curve discovered three years ago. Thanks to regular therapy based on SEAS exercises learned at Isico, her condition has remained stable. This has reduced her risk of needing to wear a brace and of experiencing progression of her curve in adulthood.
Giorgia’s positive outcome is one of the many considered in a study conducted by Isico researchers and recently published in the Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Entitled “Specific exercises reduce the need for bracing in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis: a practical clinical trial”, the research confirmed the efficacy of physiotherapeutic scoliosis-specific exercises in adolescents. According to Prof. Stefano Negrini, scientific director of Isico, “this study, which considers the case studies of 327 patients over 10 years of clinical practice, is the most extensive conducted to date. It is not an experimental study, but the daily reality of these patients provided confirmation of what has previously been observed”.

It can also be considered a fundamental study because it is one of the few in the field of vertebral pathology to have verified factors that reduce the risk of scoliosis worsening. In addition to demonstrating the effectiveness of specific exercises, compared with doing nothing, it also shows those who undertake a therapeutic exercise plan, like the one developed at Isico, have better results than those who do normal exercises twice weekly in the gym.
“We evaluated patients with curves of between 11 and 20 degrees”, explains Dr Michele Romano, technical director of Isico. “The treatment was deemed to have failed if patients needed to start wearing a brace or if their curve worsened to a Cobb angle of more than 30 degrees, because this is the threshold beyond which the risk of negative consequences in adulthood increases”.

This research also emphasises the importance, with this approach, of consistency: the patients who practiced the therapy continuously (without interruption), right through to the end, showed visibly better results than those who did not.
“In fact, the risk of having to wear a brace increases threefold for those who do not do their exercises”, remarks Prof. Negrini. “Another very satisfying result of the study, highlighting the value of the work we do in our institute, was the ‘number needed to treat’. This expression means the number of patients needing to be treated with a particular procedure [in this case the specific exercise therapy] before one of them benefits from the treatment. Compared with the usual average of 8–9 patients, in Isico three patients are sufficient. This shows that treatment with specific exercises greatly reduces the risk of needing a brace or having to resort to surgery”.

SEAS (Scientific Exercises Approach to Scoliosis) training: participants’ feedback

SEAS (Scientific Exercises Approach to Scoliosis) training: participants’ feedback

Going round the world providing training on our exercise-based approach to scoliosis has become an increasingly important part of what we do. Indeed, in addition to clinical work and research, our activities include the provision of practical training.

We get great pleasure and satisfaction from the positive feedback we receive via the evaluation forms filled in by participants at the end of our courses. “Great!”, “Wow!”, “a very good organisation”, “inspiring” and “a fantastic course” are some of the most frequent remarks. Participants seem keen to put into practice what they have learned, and express an interest in taking part in higher-level SEAS courses.
Any suggestions? Participants have suggested we provide even more videos and practical clinical examples and review the planning of each day’s programme of activities. They would also like us to organise even more courses.
Any comments? From Wroclaw, Poland: “For me it was cool. I learned many useful things which I can use with my patients”. From New York: “It was a good mixture of theory and practice”. From Sydney: “It was a wonderful course which gave us a lot of information about treating scoliosis and helping patients to maintain correction”.

Should we go for the straight back goal?

Paola has scoliosis: her back is twisted on itself. Therefore, she has been given a brace to wear — a nice plastic “jacket” that she is actually going to have to wear for some years to come. But why? Well, to straighten her back, of course!

This, of course, is a logical train of thought, but unfortunately logic and medicine don’t always go hand in hand.

A similar logical train of thought leads many people to think that surgery can eliminate the problem of scoliosis, but the reality is that surgery simply fixes a section of the spine with screws and bolts, blocking the curve in order to stop it from worsening. And even in those instances when the surgeon manages to almost straighten the patient’s back, we have to ask ourselves whether a surgically treated scoliotic spine can ever possibly be the same as before.

The answer is that, obviously, it can’t – the fixation devices (screws and bolts) used to arrest the progression of the curve are constraints that will prevent single segments of the spine from moving.

In reality, many, if not all, treatments used in medicine don’t solve, erase or even fix the problem they are addressing. Therapy gives us the instruments we need to manage, as well as possible, our condition and all the problems it brings.

Take diabetes, for example. You have diabetes? No problem, just take a drug before each meal: it will control your blood sugar level. What it won’t do, however, is get rid of your diabetes.

The same goes for scoliosis. Scoliosis can’t be erased; it can’t be eliminated. If you have it, the first thing you have to do is accept that you have a totally manageable health problem.
Then you simply have to roll up your sleeves and get on with the business of taming it. Try thinking of it like a wild horse, but one that we can certainly tame and keep under control. Just don’t expect to be able to transform it into a fluffy little pet — it will always retain some of its wild spirit!

Receiving a diagnosis is always a difficult moment: it doesn’t matter what disease you are being told you have. Therefore, accepting the presence of  imperfection is hard, both for patients and for their parents.

Sometimes it seems easier to pretend that the problem is not there, and with scoliosis it is certainly easy to do this: first of all, being “behind us”, it is harder to see. Also, at the outset it is not particularly noticeable, or may even be almost invisible, externally. Unfortunately, however, scoliosis, is sneaky and very insidious, and sooner or later it forces us to face reality. That’s when we find ourselves, once again, weighing up the treatment options. There will always be more than one treatment option, but as time goes by the possible outcomes change, and therefore so, too, do the objectives of the treatment!

The ultimate objective in scoliosis treatment is to ensure that the patient has a healthy and functional back by the time they have finished growing, and that does not mean a straight back. A healthy back is one capable of withstanding the stresses and strains of daily life for the 70 or so years that we can, on average, expect to live once we have finished growing. It is also a back that will do its job without giving us pain, and without developing a major worsening of the curves.

Science has taught us that this objective is realistic, providing the curves are still under 30°-35° at the end of growth, which is hardly straight!

In pursuit of this ultimate objective, strongly supported by the SOSORT guidelines, medical prescriptions can differ between patients, even ones whose situation is apparently similar.

In some families, there will be more than one sibling affected by scoliosis, and even though these youngsters have the same disorder, its morphology may well vary. For example, one might have a dorsal curve and another a lumbar one. Similarly, the severity of the curves can differ: you might find one girl who can be treated with exercises alone, while her older sister has to wear a brace full time.

In these situations, misunderstandings can often arise! Let me give you an example.

Laura has scoliosis, an approximately 30° curve that was discovered when she was 14 years old. After examining her, the physician prescribed a rigid brace, to be worn 23 hours out of 24. By the end of the treatment her curves had improved considerably, her trunk was perfectly modelled and symmetrical, and her scoliotic curve had decreased to under 20°!

Laura has a sister, four years younger. From the time of Laura’s first examination, the physician caring for her began monitoring her sister, too. When she was 11 years old, the younger sister began treatment involving exercises alone. By the time she finished growing, however, her curve measured between 25 and 30 degrees!

At the end of the treatment, the mother was disappointed and worried about the younger daughter’s outcome. The family, at a considerable personal sacrifice, had done everything according to the physicians’ instructions, for years bringing both daughters along for examinations and exercise sessions, only to end up with one daughter with worse curves than her sister.

In these situations, comparisons are inevitably made and the straight back misunderstanding arises! Nowadays braces aren’t as alarming as they once were and patients might well be tempted to think, why not wear one anyway, if it means I will end up with a nice straight back?

Because the fact is that a person whose back is straight by the end of growth will enjoy the same level of function and the same quality of life as someone whose back is slightly curved (under 30º). That’s why, as patients start out on their long and tiring therapeutic journey, we urge them to remember the motto: “let’s function and not straighten up!”

Isico blog the Isico blog that gives patients a voice!

Over the past 13 years or more, we have published dozens of posts and thousands of comments on our forum dedicated to scoliosis.
The Isico forum is a dedicated space where patients can ask questions and swap experiences, but it is also a place where those involved in treating scoliosis can take a more in-depth look at a series of topics and also engage with patient.  Here is one of our published posts.

Degrees and centimetres: is there a correlation?

Could there be a correlation, in scoliosis, between curvature and height? In other words, is it possible to identify a relationship, even approximate, between Cobb degrees and height loss in centimetres?

Several mathematical formulas with which to calculate the number of centimetres lost due to scoliotic curvature(s) of the spine have been published in the international scientific literature.

Such calculations also take into account the relationships between height when seated (trunk-head height) and height when standing.

The published studies dealing with this topic evaluated scoliosis populations — the samples recruited numbered between 140 and 1500 individuals — and they reported average height losses of 3.38 cm for females and 2.86 cm for males.

The formulas that give us the most valid estimates of height loss are those of Kono and Stokes. These formulas suggest that a scoliotic curve measuring 80° leads to a height loss of between 3.5 and 5.5 cm, and that this rises to between 4.5 and 8.5 cm in the presence of a 100° curve. The greater the scoliotic curve, the more the estimates provided by these two due formulas differ; for smaller curves, on the other hand, their results are superimposable.

As explained by Dr Francesca Di Felice, a specialized physiatrist at Isico, “patients with severe curves often ask surgeons how their condition will affect their height, albeit framing their question in terms of height gain as opposed to loss, i.e. “how many centimetres in height will I gain thanks to surgery?” The answer to this question will be even less precise; after all, there are many factors involved — too many to allow reliable pre-operative predictions of this kind”.

Another question that patients often ask concerns aging, namely, whether, with the overall physical decline that accompanies advancing age, a mild scoliotic curve (less than 30°) is likely to get worse and turn them into the stereotypical elderly person bent over a walking stick.

“This is a question that can only be answered in general terms” Dr Di Felice says. “People whose curves measure around 30° when they finish growing have a very low risk of the condition worsening in future decades. But this is rather like someone with slightly raised cholesterol or high blood pressure asking whether they will suffer a heart attack in a few decades’ time. High cholesterol levels, systemic hypertension and a sedentary lifestyle, as well as other factors, are associated with a higher cardiovascular risk, but

but it is impossible to translate disease risk estimates into a clear prediction for an individual person. In terms of prevention, adults with scoliotic curves of up to 30° are advised to engage in regular physical activity in order to maintain good fitness and general muscle tone, and thus counteract the compressive and worsening effects of gravity on the curve over time”.



Isico at the SRS Annual Meeting

Isico, too, will be present at the forthcoming SRS (Scoliosis Research Society) Annual Meeting, which is taking place in Montreal, Canada, from 18th to 21st September. In fact, a study conducted by Isico has been chosen among the more than one thousand abstracts submitted from all over the world, and we are hugely satisfied about this, given the prestige of this society. Isico will be represented at the event by Prof. Stefano Negrini and Dr Sabrina Donzelli, physiatrist at Isico, who will be participating, as active members, in the conference proceedings, and in the Educational Committee and Non-operative Committee meetings.
Prof. Negrini will be speaking about the  study Idiopathic Scoliosis Cobb Angle Prediction from Clinical Measures. A Geometrical Study of a 7591 Subjects Cohort. As its name indicates, this is an angle prediction study that involves combining two complementary measures of the prominence, namely the angle of trunk rotation (ATR – degrees) and the hump height (HH – mm).  Clinical measurements in a large sample of subjects at high risk of scoliosis were good predictors of the Cobb angle, in particular if HH greater than 10 mm and ATR above 7 in subjects with curves over 20 degrees.
Future studies will verify the diagnostic accuracy of these clinical measures and their combination to predict Cobb degrees during the follow-up of patients under treatment.

Prof. Negrini will also be taking along the preliminary results of SRS-funded research aimed at identifying a predictive model of the evolution of scoliotic curves in untreated patients. Isico has completed the initial verification step and sent a preliminary sample to the Canadian statisticians, who are collaborating on the project. Towards the end of this year our specialists will have the complete sample, therefore, in the first months of next year the Canadian statisticians will be able to develop the predictive models.

Stefano Negrini on the Cochrane Council

Prof. Stefano Negrini, scientific director of Isico, was recently elected as a representative on the Cochrane Council. Cochrane is an independent, global non-profit network of researchers, professionals, patients and people interested in health.

This appointment is an important recognition of the role that Prof. Negrini has played in the organisation since 2016 as Director of the Cochrane Rehabilitation Field. Cochrane Rehabilitation, which is headquartered at the University of Brescia, works globally to improve the quality of scientific evidence produced in the field of rehabilitation. Negrini is also an author for the review groups Cochrane Back and Neck and Cochrane Stroke.

Cochrane is a global independent network of 37,000 individuals from over 130 countries all over the world, many of whom are world leaders in their fields. Cochrane groups are situated  in some of the world’s most respected academic and medical institutions.

Their aim is to work together to produce credible, accessible health information that is free from commercial sponsorship and other conflicts of interest, so that healthcare decisions are taken in the best possible way, by really thinking about people’s health. Over the past 20 years, Cochrane, through its systematic reviews, has helped to transform the way healthcare decisions are made.

“The Cochrane Council was created in 2016 to guarantee various groups a platform for  discussion and assessment of high-level issues and at the same time to stimulate new areas of research” comments Prof. Negrini. “Our group’s particular task is to promote the culture and application of scientific evidence-based medicine (EBM) within rehabilitation, while also promoting rehabilitation within the Cochrane world”.