The spine lengthens while walking: our new study confirms a unique physiological phenomenon

A recent study conducted by the Polytechnic University of Milan in collaboration with our researchers and published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine under the title “The Spine Lengthens During Walking in Healthy Participants, with Age-Related Changes in Kinematic Parameters” has confirmed a previously observed phenomenon: the spine lengthens during walking compared to static standing posture. The study […]

Should we go for the straight back goal?

Paola has scoliosis: her back is twisted on itself. Therefore,… the Isico blog that gives patients a voice!

Over the past 13 years or more, we have published dozens of…

Isico at the SRS Annual Meeting

Isico, too, will be present at the forthcoming SRS (Scoliosis…

Stefano Negrini on the Cochrane Council

Prof. Stefano Negrini, scientific director of Isico, was…

The Italian Spine Youth Quality of Life questionnaire

The Italian Spine Youth Quality of Life questionnaire (ISYQOL)…

Seas: back on the road!

The SEAS I courses in China (Guangzhou and Zengzhou),…

Scoliosis and eating disorders?

Teenagers with scoliosis are not necessarily at greater risk…