Is scoliosis harmed by high-impact sports?

Periodically, ISICO launches the “Concorsetto“, an initiative in the form of a competition, where patients share their experience with wearing a brace, demonstrating that they can do almost anything: horse riding, dancing, rhythmic gymnastics, skating, and much more. This proves that sports and scoliosis are not incompatible. But what about high-impact sports? Can they make […]

Scoliosis in musicians and dancers

Two artistic activities in some ways at the antipodes, maximum…

開課 倒數 , 正式 開始!

Our online World Master has started for a few weeks but has…

Friends and bracing

Adolescence and bracing are two challenges that can be difficult…

Living “In self-correction”. Is it possible?

First of all, what is self-correction? Kids who have…

Sweet dreams... even if braced: a new Isico study affirms it

Maintaining a normal sleep-wake rhythm is an important factor…

The pubertal growth spurt: why is it the main risk for scoliosis?

Scoliosis is known to be a condition that evolves with growth,…

The criteria for evaluation of aesthetics in scoliosis

Our study "Construct validity of the Trunk Aesthetic Clinical…

World Master 2020: let's go!

On January 16 the World Master Online officially opened, now…