ISSLS Milan: a success with 500 participants

“It was a bit as if the world, that of research and clinics in the field of spinal pathologies, had gathered in Milan — this is the comment of Dr. Greta Jurenaite, physiatrist specialist at ISICO — on her first participation in the ISSLS international conference, held between the end of May and the beginning of June. The congress was huge, with around 500 participants, most foreigners, coming from everywhere from Japan to Australia to South America. The few Italians were mostly from our institute.”

We would like to remind you that on the occasion of the conference, the 50th anniversary of its foundation was also celebrated, and Prof. Stefano Negrini, ISICO scientific director, and Dr. Fabio Zaina, physiatrist at ISICO, acted as local guests.

Dr. Jurenaite continues: “The days often began at 7:30 and the presentations continued until dinner, a commitment that makes us understand how much new there is in this sector and how essential it is to keep up to date. I’ll give you an example. On the last day, we participated in a session dedicated exclusively to rehabilitation before back surgery. It was a moment of discussion and comparison, and we reflected on what is still missing to “educate and make the patient as aware as possible, concluding that it is necessary to provide as much information as possible. This is what we do at ISICO when we dedicate time to explaining what scoliosis is, the therapy steps, and the objectives, because every therapeutic choice must be shared with the patient. The discussion was so interesting that we proposed the topic as the subject of a possible scientific article, whose co-authors could be some of us ISICO doctors.” 

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