The spine lengthens while walking: our new study confirms a unique physiological phenomenon

A recent study conducted by the Polytechnic University of Milan in collaboration with our researchers and published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine under the title “ The Spine Lengthens During Walking in Healthy Participants, with Age-Related Changes in Kinematic Parameters”, has confirmed a phenomenon previously observed; during walking, the spine lengthens compared to static standing posture. The study […]

Isico: our first 20 years

2003-2023: 20 years of activity, two decades of steady growth,…

SOSORT Melbourne: 8 Isico abstracts

There are 8 abstracts, which will be presented by Isico at the…

Adherence to treatment: the abstract for Sosort Conference

“Adherence to Physiotherapeutic Scoliosis-Specific Exercises…

Why the therapeutic team is part of the treatment

Scoliosis treatment, whether we are talking about exercises…

Why we at ISICO “talk in front of the children”: the importance of patient participation

Although “talking in front of the children” is a deliberate…

Should we go for the straight back goal?

Paola has scoliosis: her back is twisted on itself. Therefore,…