SEAS: A New Study Demonstrates Its Greater Effectiveness Compared to Other Methods

The SEAS approach, developed over 20 years ago by ISICO in Italy, has emerged as the most effective in reducing the Cobb angle, according to a significant meta-analysis recently published by Wang et al., “Comparative efficacy of six types of scoliosis-specific exercises on adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a systematic review and network meta-analysis” (2024). This study […]

Scoliosis: learning to love yourself and overcome your fears

Many of our patients receive their scoliosis diagnosis in the…

Do youngsters with scoliosis walk differently ?

In recent years, many studies have been conducted analysing…

Will the prominence disappear once the brace is on?

This question, together with others linked to aesthetic concerns,…

World Master: ready for the 2024 edition

First, some numbers confirm the idea of an international training…

Launched in Geneva, the WRA and the rehabilitation song

In July, during the 3rd Global Rehabilitation 2030 meeting, with…

Isico launches the second edition of the Sforzesco Course

After a first edition, organised in 2022, that saw participants…