SEAS: A New Study Demonstrates Its Greater Effectiveness Compared to Other Methods

The SEAS approach, developed over 20 years ago by ISICO in Italy, has emerged as the most effective in reducing the Cobb angle, according to a significant meta-analysis recently published by Wang et al., “Comparative efficacy of six types of scoliosis-specific exercises on adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a systematic review and network meta-analysis” (2024). This study […]

ISSLS Milan: a success with 500 participants

"It was a bit as if the world, that of research and clinics…

Green June: Tommaso, a volleyball champion

I'm Tommaso, I'm 15 years old, I live in the province of Padua,…

Green June: Arianna, a karate champion

Since I was a child, I have always loved sports, so much so…

Green June: Gaia, an artistic gymnastics champion

Often, a diagnosis of scoliosis leads to despair and the fear…

Modular Italian Brace works just as well as the Sforzesco

A modular brace that has the same practicality and comfort of…

SOSORT 2024 : presented studies, news and comments

“This 2024 edition of the annual SOSORT conference, held in…

Leaving for Boston

In a few days, our specialists will attend the international…