SEAS: A New Study Demonstrates Its Greater Effectiveness Compared to Other Methods

The SEAS approach, developed over 20 years ago by ISICO in Italy, has emerged as the most effective in reducing the Cobb angle, according to a significant meta-analysis recently published by Wang et al., “Comparative efficacy of six types of scoliosis-specific exercises on adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a systematic review and network meta-analysis” (2024). This study […]

Stefano Negrini and Isico enter the Expertscape “hall of fame”

“We couldn’t possibly have asked for a better piece of news…

What’s on worldwide?

ISSLS meeting: Zaina appointed chair of Membership Committee Prof.…

Scoliosis: a sensor for better bracing treatment

“Ever since 2010, we at Isico have been using Thermobrace, a…

Sabrina Donzelli and Alessandra Negrini speakers in Barcelona

Isico once again played an active part in the Spanish national…

SEAS: after Serbia, China wraps things up

From 14 to 16 June, Michele Romano, our director of physical…

WCPT: reports from Alessandra Negrini and Michele Romano

From May 10th to 13th, Alessandra Negrini, physiotherapist,…

ISSLS: Isico will be in Kyoto, too

Isico will be at the forthcoming ISSLS Annual Meeting…

ISYQOL performs better than SRS22

An Isico study entitled  The Italian Spine Youth Quality…