Green June: Tommaso, a volleyball champion

I’m Tommaso, I’m 15 years old, I live in the province of Padua, and I’m attending the first year of scientific high school. I have always been passionate about volleyball. Compared to my other classmates and friends, I was always a little taller than average.
Since September 2022, I have been part of the youth sector of Volleyball Padova (a club that plays in the A1 league championship), and together with my teammates, we have achieved excellent results from the beginning.

After a sports medical examination in August 2023, I was found to have a suspected form of kyphosis, and I was told that if it worsened over the years, it would preclude me from being able to practice sports again. At this point, I immediately turned to the physiotherapist of our volleyball club, who, without any delay, advised me to turn to ISICO. After a first visit, I was confirmed to have kyphosis, and from that point on, a new life path began…
My adventure with the brace started in January. I would have to wear it every day for 20 hours with a four-hour break. As soon as I put it on, I felt short of breath and like I had lost control of my body; even the simplest movements had become impossible.
The first period was physically and morally difficult, painful, and strenuous, but thanks to volleyball, I never gave up. I knew I had to achieve the goals we had set for ourselves in September with my whole team, and, thanks to the hours of freedom without a corset during the training sessions, I found the courage and strength to start again. Every week, I train for two to three hours for four days.
I participate in two separate championships simultaneously, so two matches await me on the weekends. After much effort, sacrifices, and abnegations, the first results of this season have arrived:

– Under-15 interprovincial champion
– 5th place at the Brugnara Trophy (one of the most prestigious national trophies for the Under-15 category)
– Under-15 regional champion
– Champion at the Aequilibrium Territory Trophy with the FIPAV Padova Under-15 provincial selection

To conclude, from May 28th to June 2nd, we will be in Schio (VI), where we will participate in the national phase of the Under-15 category… Braced dudes! I’m waiting for you all to cheer on Volleyball Padova! I forgot…
The brace is helping me not only with my back but also with my height. I can say that I have gained a few centimetres in height, which is important in volleyball.

I thank all the Isico staff for following me professionally, especially Marta, who supported me a lot during the first difficult days.

Have a good journey, everyone, and do not forget—never give up!


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