FOCUS Why aren't all braces the same? How important, in scoliosis treatment, is the type of therapeutic instrument used? Obviously, the physician plays a key role in mediating this relationship, but the tolerability of the brace and the patient's acceptance of it are fundamental elements, too. All these factors combined can increase the final effectiveness of the therapy. WHAT'S ON Spine & Rehabilitation Meeting: still time to register at a reduced rate! SEAS: course for the first time in Singapore You still can register at early bird discounted fees until February 24th for the forthcoming Spine & Rehabilitation (S&R) meeting, taking place on March 29th 2019.
We have already started the 2019 programme of training in our Scientific Exercises Approach to Scoliosis (SEAS) with a course in Saint Petersburg in Russia, which had 24 participants. From 16th to 18th February we were in Singapore for the first time for a SEAS I course, 20 physiotherapists participated. After that, the next destination on our "world tour" will be Kamnik, Slovenia.
GET YOUR ANSWER When should a brace be recommended? We know from the literature that scoliotic curves with a Cobb angle measuring more than 30° in adulthood can go on progressing and give rise to problems, such as back pain. Therefore, the aim of conservative treatment is, as far as possible, to ensure that patients reach bone maturity (Risser 5) with a scoliosis curve of less than 30°, or as close as possible to this measurement. ISICO SCIENCE CORNER Bracing also works in patients who are overweight According to the Isico study entitled "Overweight is not predictive of bracing failure in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: results from a retrospective cohort study", published in the European Spine Journal, bracing can give excellent results in overweight or obese patients, too. This research started from a question: is overweight really a factor that can jeopardise the outcome of bracing treatment in scoliosis? WORLD SCIENCE CORNER Every year, the Scoliosis Study Group selects the best published papers on conservative spine treatment from the global scientific literature.
Here is the abstract of one of the papers selected in 2016 Function and Clinical Symptoms are the Main Factors that Motivate Thoracolumbar Adult Scoliosis Patients to Pursue Surgery. Pizones J, Perez Martin-Buitrago M, Perez-Grueso FJ, Vila-Casademunt A, Alanay A, Obeid I, Kleinstuck F, Acaroglu ER, Pellise Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2017 Jan 1;42(1):E31-E36. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000001694.
THE ISICO BLOG Over the past 13 years or more, we have published dozens of posts and received thousands of comments on our blog dedicated to scoliosis that gives our patients a voice. The Isico blog is a dedicated space where patients can ask questions and swap experiences, but it is also a place where those involved in treating scoliosis can take a more in-depth look at a series of topics and also engage with patients. Here is one of our published posts.
"You're too old now", "Your scoliosis has stopped now that you've finished growing", "If you want to, do some exercise". How often do adults with vertebral deformities like scoliosis or hyperkyphosis hear things like this? WHAT'S ON WORLDWIDE SOSORT 2019: there is still time to register The deadline for submission of abstracts and for registration at "early bird" rates has now passed, but it is still possible to register to take part in the SOSORT meeting being held in San Francisco from 25 to 27 April.
SOSORT: follow the webinars! SOSORT has created two webinars that are bound to be of interest to patients and professionals alike.
Coming up 14-16 March - Cervical Spine Research Society - Asia Pacific Section: 10th Annual Meeting, in Yokohama, Japan
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